Services- including capital improvement project management,
development review, and facilities management.
Field Services-street,
sidewalk and street lighting maintenance, tree trimming, landscaping, park
maintenance, graffiti removal, and sign repair.
Services- provides the City with safe and reliable drinking
water, maintains water and sewer system components, and addresses all water
service customer needs.
Services-maintains all City vehicles and equipment including
fire apparatus.
After Hour Emergencies -If
you have a water, sewer, or street emergency after business hours, please call (909) 799-2800 and follow the prompts.
The City of Loma Linda, Public
Works Corporation Yard, 26000 Barton Road, is a Certified Collection Center
(CCC) for used motor oil through annual certification from the CIWMB –
California Integrated Waste Management Board. As such, this program is
available to any resident of San Bernardino County the means to dispose of used
motor oil at no cost.
The Public Works Corporation Yard
Hours of Operation
Monday-Thursday from 6:00 AM-4:30 PM. Used oil cannot
be accepted after these hours.
Residents can bring in up to twenty
(20) gallons of used motor oil per day. Used motor oil is defined as motor
vehicle oil or automatic transmission fluid or diesel oil or any
combination/mixture of these (i.e. any basic oil).
Used oil cannot be mixed with
water, antifreeze, gasoline/diesel fuels, brake/power steering fluid, solvents,
paints, varnishes, household chemicals, kitty litter, etc. Used oil mixed with
these items is considered to be a household hazardous waste and must be
disposed of accordingly. In addition, City personnel has and will exercise the
right to examine any used oil being brought in to the center.
If oil show signs of layering, dirt, or debris
floating in it, or if it has an unusual color or odor (e.g. appears
contaminated), the City will not accept it but instead will provide the
number/location of County of San
Bernardino Fire Department, Household Hazardous Waste Division.
The City does not accept oil
containers or oil filters.
The City does not accept used oil
from businesses.
For questions about disposing
household hazardous wastes, please contact County of San Bernardino Fire Department Household
Hazardous Waste Division at 1-800-OILY
CAT or (909) 382-5401.