City of Loma Linda Emergency Volunteer Programs

Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

CERTCERT is comprised of community members, is trained to provide assistance to their families, neighbors, and the community during a disastrous event. Members are trained in disaster preparedness, light fire suppression, basic medical aid, light search & rescue, and team operations. To become a member, community members take a 20-hr class that includes lectures and hands-on training. There are ongoing training opportunities and community involvement. Visit us at for more information.

Fire Volunteers

Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (RACES)

RACESRACES members are amateur radio operators who provide radio communications for major emergencies. RACES members have valid FCC licenses and are trained to support emergency services. These members meet quarterly and “check in” on a weekly basis.

For additional information on any of these volunteer opportunities contact the Loma Linda Fire Department Emergency Services at (909) 799-2853.